A bit about me; When I was 19 my modeling career took a hard pause when I was diagnosed with onset diabetes/pancreatitis.
The year I was healing to re-launch my modeling career a lady hit me going 45mph, I was sitting still at a red light at the back end of a traffic jam, till I wasn’t. My body and the car took the entirety of the impact.
I had never known mind-altering body pain till now.
The hours of reviling nerve SHREELS inside of start-stop squeaks of pain turned from days to months to years. In and out of chiropractor offices, endless massage therapists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, energy workers, and naturopathic therapies. Years passed curating hope in a lifestyle around avoiding the pain till, as it always does, it all compiled consuming all parts of me till I had nothing left.
Crumbled and broken wrapped in Dad’s arms, tears and aches of streaming pain, she whimpered, “Dad what am I going to do with my life?” In the most gracious way, like he was holding a little 9-year-old in the midst of an emotional moment, he opened her hands and said, “God gave you these for a reason, didn’t he? Go learn how to heal yourself and help others with this pain you know all too well.”
And so it began the journey of a lifetime which brings us to now. Years later, I have healed myself and helped many heal themself through hands-on, diet changes, and inner healing practices. The life you had got you to where you are, something has to change and it starts from within.